Approved Paint colors
IMPORTANT: If you do not find a color you like and would like to submit options to the Board for review and approval/disapproval, please submit an architectural request form by contacting our property manager, MFJ Associates. Please do not skip this approval process, as any colors that are disapproved may result in your property receiving a violation.
BEHR PAINT: effective May 2007
Jet Black #ECC-10-2
Seasoned Acorn #ECC-40-3
Imperial Palm #ECC-21-3
Autumn Leaves #ECC-31-3
Flowering River #ECC-13-3
Dark Sea #ECC-33-3
Conifer #ECC-45-3
Red Hawk #ECC-46-3
Red Pines #ECC-27-1
Charred Hickory #ECC-28-3
Ultra Pure White #4050
Cotton Ridge #ECC-42-2
Echo Valley #ECC-25-2
Floral Bluff #ECC-16-1
Canyon Cliffs #ECC-45-2
Nature Trail #ECC-26-2
FENCE: original
Cuprinol: Barn Brown or Winter Brown
Olympic: 711 or 713 Olympic
Sears: Barcelona Brown