By-Laws - Table of Contents
I Name and Location
II Definitions
III Membership
IV Property Rights: Rights of Enjoyment
V Board of Directors: Selection: Term of Office
VI Meetings of Directors
VII Nomination and Election of Directors
VIII Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors
IX Committees
X Meetings of Members
XI Officers and their Duties
XII Assessments
XIII Books and Records
XIV Corporate Seal
XV Amendments
XVI Miscellaneous
I Definitions
II Annexation of Additional Properties
III Membership
IV Voting Rights
V Property Rights
VI Covenants for Maintenance Assessments
VII Party Walls
VIII Architectural Control
IX Exterior Maintenance
X Protective Covenants and Restrictions
XI General Provisions
Architectural Control Committee
Architectural Standards (Revised Nov 15, 1989)
TOTA Parking Regulations (Effective Feb 15, 1991)
Procedures Relative to Assessment Collection
93-1 Procedures Relative to Assessment Collection
93-2 Repeal of Resolution: Denial of Pool Privileges due to the Failure to Comply with TOTA Architectural Standards
93-3 Procedures Relative to the Budget Process
94-1 Amendment to the Declaration and Amendment of Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation
05-01 Pertaining to Window Air Conditioning Units and Exterior Wires
07-01 Procedures Relating to Suspension of Access for Nonpayment of Assessments
A copy of the By-Laws are A copy of the By-Laws are given to the homeowners, by the realtor, when they purchase their home. If another copy is needed, please contact MJF Associates at (703) 369-6535. There is a fee for this additional copy.